The paper discusses several analytic characters and the extensive application of the integral function and fraction parts of functions, which have the differentiation with contact. 取整函数与小数部分函数既相互联系又有区别,各有一些独特的性质,在数学及生活中有着较广泛的应用。
Firstly, the simplified model of the single inverted pendulum system is analyzed, and then designed a digital optimal controller with integral function. 通过对单级倒立摆系统的简化模型分析,设计了带有积分环节的数字最优控制器。
A Generating Algorithm for the Judgment Matrix in AHP Based on Pre-Ordering and Top Integral Function 基于预排序和上取整函数的AHP判断矩阵生成算法
Proof Process of Unknown Function Estimation in a Class of Discontinuous Integral Function& Inequalities 一类非连续函数积分和不等式中未知函数估计的证明过程
The integral function of air flow dyeing machine can provide some advantages for high efficient pretreatment of fabrics, which makes the operation easy and guarantees the product quality. 气流染色机的固有功能,为织物的高效前处理提供了有利条件,使操作简单,产品质量容易得到保证。
The universal peeling device for fruit, which is safe, sanitary and convenient, has an integral function for peeling various fruit. 该万能瓜果削皮器集各种瓜果削皮功能为一体,使用安全卫生简便。
Its changeable angle mechanism is of vital importance to the integral function of the rig. 其变角机构关系到钻机的整体性能。
The estimation of logarithmic degree and lower logarithmic degree of HADAMARDS product and quotient of integral function 整函数阿达玛积与商的对数级与下对数级的估计
Focal point in this paper is integral transformation and integral function design for original waveform. 重点阐述在进行相关对比前,对原始波形的积分变换以及积分函数的设计方法。
Tei index is a new index comprehensively evaluating ventricle integral function including diastolic and systolic function. Tei指数是综合评价心室整体功能(包括收缩与舒张功能)的新指标。
A part of results on magnetic vector potential of circular loop are expanded, so the integral function is transformed to integrable series. 采用将圆电流磁矢势表达式中一部分展成级数,使被积函数变成可积分的函数。
An Adaptive Fuzzy Controller with Integral Function and Its Application in Distributed System of the Electric Heating Furnace 带积分型适应Fuzzy控制器及其在电加热炉集散系统中的应用
A lossless data compression scheme based on neural network is obtained through the structure specific mapping, integral function and BP neural network. 通过构造特别的映射、整函数和BP神经网络,获得一套基于神经网络的无损数据压缩方案。
Using the method of integral function with impulse, it is obtained that the sufficient and necessary condition for the existence and attractivity of periodic solution of autonomic system with impulse. At the same time, some applications to the models of single-species population growth are given. 本文运用含有脉冲的积分函数方法,得到了脉冲自治系统的周期解存在及吸引的充要条件,并给出了在单物种增长模型中的应用。
Some Properties of Infinite Degree Integral Function Logarithmic Degree and Logarithmic Form 无穷级整函数对数级与对数型的一些性质
Technology pricing based on system cluster and integral function comparison 基于系统聚类和综合功能比较的技术定价方法
According to the characteristics of vacuum modulation valve and the technological requirements of vacuum continued strip-cast process for nanocrystalline alloy magnetic powder, we designed positional model digital PID control algorithm with its integral function separated. 根据纳米晶合金磁粉真空连续片铸工艺要求和真空比例调节阀的性能,确定了积分项分离的位置型数字比例-积分-微分(PID)控制算法。
Study on analytical solution of temperature field of artificial frozen soil by exponent-integral function 基于指数积分函数的人工冻土温度场解析研究
This paper considers the nonlocal reaction-diffusion equation subject to the initial boundary conditions. The local growth estimates and the finite-time blow-up properties of solutions to the equation are investigated by introducing the proper integral function. 本文考虑带初边值条件的非局部反应-扩散方程,通过引进一类合适的积分函数,我们研究了方程之解在有限时间内的增长估计以及解的有限时间爆破性质。
Application of Z-Translation in Calculating Progressions and Plural Function Integral function, the curriculum? Z变换在级数和复变函数积分计算中的应用课程目标突出体现了学生发展为中心的思想;
Based on four assumptions, theoretical analyses indicate that the amplitude of ultrasonic speckles in space is in the form of Rice distribution, and the phase probability density function of the ultrasonic speckles is a compound function of Gauss distribution function and Gauss probability integral function. 在假设条件下,理论分析的结果表明,空间超声散斑的振幅服从Rice分布,而它们的相位概率密度函数是一个包含Gauss分布函数和Gauss概率积分函数的复合函数。
Integral Function in Fuzzy Controller 模糊控制中的积分作用
The calculation step is established by the demanded precision and the quality of the integral function. 实际计算步长的确定由计算精度的需要和被积函数的性质确定。
The fractional integral function, fractional differential function and their fundamental properties are studied in this paper. Based on the above properties, the fractional integration and fractional differentiation of a Weierstrass function are further discussed. 研究了分数阶积分函数与微分函数及其基本性质,在此基础上讨论了一类Weierstrass分形函数的分数阶积分和分数阶微分。
Elementary approach for proving the expansion of exponential integral function 指数积分函数展开式的初等证明方法
The application of Legendre elliptic integral function in physics Legendre椭圆积分在物理学中的应用
Using the methods of recursive, we derive the probability of ruin and its Lundberg upper bound, and the probability of sustainable n period of ruin satisfies a integral function. 应用递推的方法得到破产概率和破产持续n期的概率所满足的方程,并且获得了该模型的破产概率的Lundberg上界。
Integral Quadrature and integral function of the region itself, the complexity, uncertainty, so as the dimension increases, the classical one-dimensional numerical integration is very difficult to directly extended to high dimension, so that it becomes very difficult to study. 多元积分求积区域以及积分函数本身的复杂性,不确定性,所以随着维数增加,一维经典数值积分方法很难直接推广到高维,从而使它的研究变得非常困难。
The paper introduced the integral function and target in advance. 对系统的整体功能和目标进行了开发前的先期介绍。
The research on integral function and meromorphic function oriented to three branches and profoundly guided to different function fields from the end of 19~ ( th) to beginning of 20~ ( th) century. 魏尔斯特拉斯对整函数和亚纯函数的研究开启了三个方向的系统研究,对19世纪末至20世纪诸多函数论分支的发展产生深刻的启发与导向。